Monday, November 03, 2008

Taking a crack at a new week

It comes with the territory that some building maintenance will come your way on a somewhat regular basis. Entropy is not our ally when the stakes are keeping a functional structure around you and products consumers must make their very own.

However, man must know his limitations.

On the to-do list was fixing the frame on a tall glass case. After poking and prodding at it for several minutes, I decided it was beyond my skill set. Attempting to force glass is a quick ticket to profanity and sparkling shards of incision.

So I decided to wait and see how my boss wanted to handle it. Mayhap there was a trick to it I was not aware of and I might learn something.

Lo and behold, he arrives to survey the progress of the project. After a moment of explaining why it had not been completed already, he then turned his own problem-solving skills to the matter.

We have some panes of glass to repair.

Most importantly, I didn't do it. That is worth it's weight in gold.


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