Thursday, November 27, 2008

Expecting better

Despite my insinuation that I would be sitting out on why various sources might be so keen to excise sex from the searchable internet, I can't resist dipping in an oar and adding to the turbidity. What's more traditional than fisting a massive dead fowl and you'd be hard pressed to find a "turkey" more deserving of the treatment.

Being able to speak on whatever subject I feel needs to be addressed, at whatever length I deem suitable, and in whatever tone as I desire is damned important to me. No one has to listen to me nor do they have to agree with me. At the same time, I do get a bit tetchy when those who might desire to consider what I have to say are prevented from doing so. I know I find it more than slightly vexing when I have to play detective games to access information I desire especially when that information is not some obscure, arcane bit of trivia.

Ah, but I have forgotten that sex is the Scourge of All Civilization™. Thousands of years ago, peasants in the British Isles shivered in their beds for fear of dragon-prowed ships appearing out of the mists to show erotic scrimshaws to their wee bairns and craft anal beads from monastic relics. I mean dear gods, would anyone believe the Roman empire would have expanded past a couple of meager cities if they hadn't kept their citizens free of the destructive influence of sex?!

There is no legitimate reason for anyone to investigate anything touching upon the sexual. Any claim that the arts, science, or medicine might touch upon such filth is naught but a shameless lie.

And now we have the internet which is now almost synonymous with pornography. Alas, "who will think of the children" they keen. We have to sanitize their world. We cannot allow the remotest chance their tender, innocent eyes will fall upon human genitalia. The risks are just too great.

Seriously, does the "safe" search function of Google do anything other than shuffle the sexually dimorphic information off to some virtual oubliette?

Obviously, there's a significant portion of the populace who feel my absurd tirade of sarcasm above is divinely inspired truth rather than the scathing reproach it actually is, otherwise Google and their minions would not have achieved such a complete exclusion of the sites. It has to be the sex that leaves a bad taste in their mouths since damn near every other form of human interaction can be accessed through the filter. Perhaps those people need to learn to swallow faster or enjoy the facial.

What's my personal take on this issue? Pay attention to your own damn affairs.

If you can't trust adults to do their jobs rather than on the internet scouring for porn, then you need better employees. No filter is going to prevent them from getting into some other form of mischief. Don't ask why the floor of the server room is sticky.

For those adults who just want to pretend it doesn't exist, grow up and deal with it. The rest of the world has no responsibility to rearrange itself to suit your preferred delusion. In fact, you make it worse for everyone by inspiring the porn spammers into ever more obscure methods of sneaking their product past the word filters.

Those of you with children, they're your damned responsibility. It is not my job to keep your little fuck trophy safe, whole, and/or happy. You chose the career or to become a parent, you made the commitment. I resent the bloody hell out of having the scope of my web searches curtailed because some self-important cow can't be bothered to not only keep a close eye on her free-range veal, but gets coddled in the expectation that the world can be made completely innocuous for the snot-soaked little darling.

So in conclusion, I strenuously object to the heavy-handed censorship adopted by Google's search filter. It's nothing more than an indelicate tool for placating lazy thinkers. Further, it encourages a polarized view of the world and incomplete synthesis of concepts.

Consider it a declaration of personal vendetta that I will continue to use with pride words from the "Unspeakable List." I may not be to everyone's taste, but I will be damned if I will cower in fear from vocabulary, regardless of context.


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