Tuesday, October 28, 2008


You would think that anyone out there looking to make a buck selling things to another person would be aware of the effects of word of mouth upon their venture. It's enough of a force multiplier as it is when it's quite literally people talking amongst themselves about a particular business. However, when you take it all to the internet, it's global in scope.

Apparently EdenFantasies has suffered a collective blow to the head on this score.

If you're unaware, they're an internet-based purveyor of adult novelties. They engaged in a rather expansive campaign to get various blogs and forums to advertise or partner them. I politely declined their request. Those that did take them up on their offer tended to get all sorts of goodies to check out provided they published their reviews.

Up to this point, it sounds like a solid business relationship.

However, when you court someone like AAG (a.k.a. Always Aroused Girl) to perform some PR for your company because she's got the longevity, popularity, and connections to be a huge asset, you need to respect that.

Withholding payment for contracted work is not a smart move. Failure to sort matters out quietly to the satisfaction of both sides is even worse.

On the internet, reputation is capital. AAG established her's long before EF. EF borrowed on that to build themselves up. Three guesses who's going to suffer the most from this dispute?

The bottom line is this, if you know a company will shit all over their solicited contractors, they're just as likely to mistake their customers for an outhouse too.

h/t to Erosblog


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