Friday, April 28, 2006

FUQing Friday.

I've been writing along for a couple weeks now, so I thought I would pause to address some Frequently Unasked Questions.

  • You're writing about being a porn store clerk, what's with the name? It doesn't exactly make sense.
I chose the name for a couple different reasons. One of which was to allude to sometimes feeling caught upon the horns/thorns of a dilemma. A good chunk of my time is sorting out an issue for the store itself or a customer. Another is that I'm usually surrounded by pricks, either as part of the merchandise or bitchy customers. A third is that I have a certain fondness for impaling things, much to the reported delight of certain parties. Besides, it's fun to have a theme.

  • You're pretty rude about people. Why are you working in this industry?
People as a rule suck. Individuals can be pretty damn spiffy, but in aggregate the negative attributes come to the fore and drown out any positives. At least for me. However, I like sex, I'm not judgemental regarding kinks, and oddly enough I've found I'm good at this line of work. Regardless of what I think of someone as a person, if they come in to my store as a customer, I want to match them up with something they will enjoy and appreciate.
  • Do I know you?
Possibly. But I'm not about to tell you. If I was keen on identifying myself, I would. Working under nom-de-plume allows me to write what I desire. If by chance someone does think they know me, congratulations, keep it to yourself.
  • Where do you work?
An adult store situated on the crust of the planet known as Earth.
  • How long have you been working at an adult store?
Long enough. More than a year and less than century.
  • Do you think anyone is going to read this travesty of a blog?
No idea. The potential rises every day it's still up on the web however.

Alright, I'm done with this FUQing mess.


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