Wednesday, July 30, 2008

When you've staked it, beheaded it, and then reduced it to ashes, do not go back to poke it with a stick

I was reading around a bit and discovered a blog entry that agitated me enough I decided I must remark upon the subject myself. The pertinent aspects of the situation are thus:
  1. An unexpected communication from someone they were aware of peripherally at a distance many years ago and for a brief duration.
  2. The reason pertained to information about an ex of many years ago.
  3. Said ex was the bond of commonality between the two people as that person was reputedly one of the worst relationships either had to misfortune to stumble across.
  4. Various bits of gossip pertaining to the ex were related.
  5. In conclusion, there was a possibly rhetorical pondering of what might or should be done in light of the new information.
Why in the name of Odin's pelt panties do they care?!

This sort of thing has happened all too often in my past and amongst my friends. Some wretched excuse of a human who was once a prime participant to a hideously unhealthy and bitter relationship will resurface somewhere and abruptly everyone acquainted with the situation or a similar dating experience must be brought up to speed.

Why the bloody fuck is this necessary?

This is not a "good" ex, someone you parted on reasonably good terms with. This is not someone you're going to want to stop and chat with. There is no shred of friendship or amicable feelings that have persisted past the break-up.

If they have been out of someone's life for several months, if not years, that should be a good indication they are not high on the list of possible topics. Popping up out of the blue to kibitz about that ex is utterly absurd.

If that particular ex was known for wild distortions of the truth and self-aggrandizement, why give credence to anything heard from them? Why the fuzzy fuck isn't this shit going in one ear and out the other at the very most?

Here's a hard-won hint for personal happiness; leave the horrid crap (people and situations) that are over and done with in the damned past. It isn't relevant anymore. The only things dragging them to the fore will bring out are pain and drama.

The person who contacted the blogger about this should have been bitch-slapped for acting like a fucking ninny.


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